



陶器市は本日最終日。数多くのお店が出店してました。雨にもかかわらず大にぎわい。どれもかわいらしくて迷う〜!今回、私は榎田さんという女性作家の長皿と前から欲しかった気のスプーンとバターナイフを購入しました。長皿にはなにを盛りつけようかな〜と、ワクワクワク。そのあと、ランチはスターネットで「古代米入り玄米と野菜のランチプレート とろろこんぶスープ付き」をいただきました。こういう食事は体の中がリセットされる感じで普段の食生活をちょっと反省。よく噛んで噛んでゆっくり時間をかけて味わいました。


Melbourne to Goaldcoast

I will continue my travel to Australia.
After I took part in a winary tour,I had a sore throat and I felt chilly.
I was going to take a cold redemy that I brought from japan ,but it was for toothache.
I was shocked at my carelessness ...
It discouraged me from enjoying the night of the Melbourne.
I ate "kitsune-udon" .

I got rid of cold soon and I stayed more 2 nights in Melbourne.
Then,I moved to Goldcoast by domestic airlines"Jet Star" afternoon 12 April.
My friends picked me up at the Coolangatta airport.I saw them last year ,July.
The first time I saw them,I was a hight school student,17-year-old and I stayed with them as to study English for 3 weeks .
We have a companionship of many years.

I stayed their home through this travel.
After we left airport,we celebrated our reunion at Malaysian restaurant.
We enjoyed the lovely foods,and special wine.
It's common to bring own alcohol to restaurant from home with little charge.That's nice service.
We had good time,and went to home.



My colleague gave me a Lily of the valley today.

People in Europe has this custom to give lover or friends this flower at May 1st. This is lovely custom,isn't it?
It is said that people who is given this flower become happy.

We can see this flowers in many flower shops in Japan recently.This custom is spreading gradually in Japan.

I think my colleague is lovely woman!
I will give a Lily of the valley someone next year!